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These films feature personal stories of substance use. These narratives have been generously shared by individuals who are participating or have participated in Odyssey House's Parents' and Children's Program.


Odyssey House is a rehabilitation center based upon a therapeutic community model of treatment. As Melissa Eldridge, Odyssey House's Parents' and Children's Program coordinator states, "The premise about [the therapeutic community] is that we're all in the community together to support one another to help change. Peer pressure is the catalyst of change, and that's why we observe one another, and help one another, by holding each other accountable."


The Parents' and Children's Program, one of many programs offered by Odyssey House, is unique within the state of New South Wales in that it allows parents undertaking substance use disorder treatment to live with their children.





Through Water: Sylvia and Chase

Audience: Future Odyssey House participants, future donors, general public


The story of Sylvia and her young son, Chase. Sylvia is a current resident at Odyssey House and a graduate of The Parents' and Children's Program. 


Read more about this film through the Sydney Morning Herald.


School of Life: Michael and Sarah

Audience: Future Odyssey House participants, future donors, general public


The story of Michael and his young daughter, Sarah. Michael is currently a resident at Odyssey House participating in The Parents' and Children's Program. In addition to sharing his personal story, Michael also offers a tour of one of The Parents' and Children's Program cottages.


Read more about this film through the Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies' the Advocate.


15 Years Later: Claudia

Audience: Future Odyssey House participants, future donors, general public


The story of Claudia and her five children. She recounts her experiences participating in and graduating from The Parents' and Children's Program 15 years ago. For the past 13 years, Claudia has been employed as a family support worker within Odyssey House's Parents' and Children's Program. She also serves as Odyssey House's Parents in Contact coordinator.





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